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TeleHear remote services

Connect with your patients anywhere

TeleHear remote services connects you with your patients, even when they can't come to your office. You can talk to them, guide them, and perform remote fitting updates all in real time without them needing to come into the office. TeleHear remote services adds Feedback Cancellation Initialization and In-situ Audiometry to provide a complete full-service remote first-fit solution with user acceptance ratings comparable to in-office sessions.

Easy and efficient

Synchronous adjustments can be performed via video chat through the patient's Thrive Hearing Control app, allowing you to help them when they need you the most.

Always convenient

Remote services are convenient for the patient and the professional, making it possible to help them wherever they are.

Safety first

Allows for continuity of care when health conditions or life situations make it difficult or unwise to be seen in person.

Secure by design

The data collected and transmitted during a remote fitting is encrypted in compliance with HIPPA and other data privacy global regulations.

Designed to integrate with your workflow

The TeleHear remote fitting portal provides you with a complete view of your invited patients, enrollment status, and basic device information.

Is your patient not properly enrolled? You can fix that before a session. Are you ready to initiate a remote fitting? Just a few clicks will launch your patient database, open the correct fitting software, select the right patient record and start the call.

Telemedicine is popular with patients and professionals

90% of patients agreed that completing a follow-up fine-tuning appointment remotely with TeleHear would be a suitable replacement for an in-person programming session.1
80% of participant patients rated TeleHear as somewhat easy to use to very easy to use.1
88% of HCP consider remote care services improve flexibility in services provided, including scheduling (68%).2

1 Introducing TeleHear: An Evolution in Synchronous Remote Programming, Maddie M. Olson, Au.D.
2 Gabrielle H. Saunders & Amber Roughley (2021) Audiology in the time of COVID-19: practices and opinions of audiologists in the UK, International Journal of Audiology, 60:4, 255-262, DOI: 10.1080/14992027.2020.1814432